
Adjusting to technology can transform your business!



There's a lot of potential right now, for businesses to be working through technology. We're only in the earliest stages of the internet and mobile tech, and the earliest ways of using it to run, promote and market products and services. It might seem like it's all been done, but in technological terms, this is very much the wild west!

The good news is, there's a huge amount of room for businesses to take advantage of the digital space, and own the way their company operates on social channels, on their website and with communications. For some of the clients we work with, that has meant being available to book customers and services through Facebook. For example, one client has managed to turn Facebook into their main source of new business, just by creating content and pushing it to the right people! Beyond that, there are ways to alter (and better) almost any aspect of your work. Through the right apps, the right software and the right plugins, you could be saving hours of your time every week.

Other businesses have been able to transform their project management, by moving it onto online tools and platforms and working with both their customers and their staff in collaborative apps that take away the need for endless emails and stacks of paper. The number of tasks that can be completed online is even allowing businesses to have mobile staff. At Charltons for example, our team are able to go from their desks to client meetings to being on-site with zero friction - carrying some of the latest tablet devices to allow completely free movement!

There's a lot to be said for keeping aware of new technology and the changes it can bring to your business. At the end of the day, it's all about finding new ways to do your work in a more efficient workflow. It's about ensuring that the people who rely on you have better access to better products and services, with communication through every stage of your business' processes.
We're finding that our clients are turning to us more and more to ask for advice and guidance around the right way to use technology to scale, or to streamline their teams and their tasks. We know that it can seem intimidating, and beginning a transformation process could be a tough ask for many companies, no matter their size.

The good news is, at Charltons, we've been through that process, and we can tell you that the benefits of adjusting to technology can be huge. If the transformation is done right, there's no limit to how much you can improve the way everything in your organisation or your business works. Today, if you can find a pain point in your system, there's definitely an app, a piece of technology or a piece of automation that can solve it for you.


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Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 5.30pm
Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm

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Sydney NSW 2000

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 02 8267 6666.

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